Arts Space
Arts Space

Officially opened on 20 October 2017, the Arts Space introduces an additional, permanent feature that recognises the efforts to develop and cultivate an arts appreciation amongst our students while at the same time, flourish a vibrant culture of the arts in school.
Aimed at providing a proper and common space for students to showcase artistic works, the Arts Space becomes a stepping stone for our students who are exploring their potential at performing before venturing to perform for a wider audience. The small and intimate setting is also an informal gathering space for students to interact and express their creative talents and interests after curriculum time.
Situated next to the Music Room, the Arts Space is utilised by students
undergoing the General Music Programme (GMP). The Space transforms
into a hive of student activities during Music lessons as students rehearse
their presentations and simulate real stage performances.
The Arts Space also supports the showcase of visual art works. During
the Post-Examination Activity (PEA) week recently, the Space was
one of the venues to host the annual Brooksian Art Exhibition entitled SOARTS.
The Arts Space certainly sees itself as one of the arenas in developing and grooming potentials in the arts.