Section 1: Welcome Message by Mr Edmund Chen

Section 1: Welcome Message by Mr Edmund Chen
Dear 2025 Secondary One Students and Parents/Guardians
A very warm welcome to our Northbrooks family!
We are grateful that you are joining us in our journey to strengthen our Secondary One students in Brooksian school values: Graciousness, Integrity, Fortitude, Teamwork, Empathy, Disciplined (or in short, G.I.F.T.E.D). In living by our school motto “Soaring Yet Rooted,” we motivate our students to achieve greater heights, while remaining deeply grounded in these school values.
Our school vision, “Every Brooksian a Champion, Impacting the Community”, is our commitment to unlock the full potential of every student. Champions are not merely students who excel in their academic or co-curricular pursuits. Champions are role models who demonstrate exemplary values and have a positive impact on the people around them. We are proud of our culture of care and growth towards nurturing our students to be Champions.
Raising a child takes a village, and we cannot achieve this vision without the strong and respectful support from our parents and guardians. Your encouragement and affirmation of our Brooksians, active involvement in school activities, and open communication with our school, are all important aspects in our partnership to develop our students holistically.
On behalf of the Northbrooks family, I wish all of you a wonderful and fulfilling year in 2025.
Mr Edmund Chen
Northbrooks Secondary School